Speed dating with Adidas & The Athlete’s Foot
Production: Paul Moses / cameraoperatorsydney.com & Helen Campbell
My Role: D.O.P & Editor – final Cut Pro 7.
A revolution in cushioning has arrived — the adidas adistar boost is the premium boost shoe.
How do you boost? This was the premise for these short promos we made for The Athletes Foot aimed at promoting the new running shoe for Adidas. We shot four of these promos in and around Sydney in the space of three hours per clip. With ‘sports’ ranging from cheese rolling, running backwards, stair running and ‘speed dating’ they were great fun to shoot and edit.
With only 3 hours from first shot to last there wasn’t much time for re-takes or too much setting up so we had to make each shot count! Thankfully it all came together in the edit and after 1 month of being on youtube the clips had received over 30,000 hits which has made myself and the client happy with the outcome. For more recent work, click here
Directed & produced by Helen Campbell Sydney.
Shot on Sony FS700 with shoulder mount rig, tripod, Sony A77 DSLR on a Glidecam HD4000
Edited on Final Cut Pro 7 and After Effects CS6
* This following page contains material that i do not own, i have included it here purely for showreel / portfolio reasons only.
I am a freelance lighting cameraman & editor based in Sydney Australia, if you have a project you would like to discuss then please get in touch by calling +61 (0)426 274 766 or through one of the following avenues